Monday, May 21, 2007

Implementation for success

Awhile back I was your typical college student - that is I thought I knew everything about anything. I decided to take my first “online” course which was a psychology course. Looking back now, what was I thinking?! I didn’t know anything about this new concept (at the time) of the “World Wide Web”, much less how to manage the reading and writing assignments and then submit them over the Internet. Nonetheless, I managed to pass the course, but never really understood “online” learning.

It was almost two years ago when I came onboard with Advanced Academics and was immediately amazed that K12 districts were using online learning. Since I had trouble with online learning, I was even more flabbergasted to learn the success of these students. It became quickly apparent that the online teachers, the students’ efforts, as well as, the proctors and administrators are the key ingredients to this success. The question I am frequently asked by potential customers is “How do your partners know how to make the program successful?” My answer is that our partners’ program success comes largely from our implementation, training, and student orientations.

Currently, a portion of my responsibilities with Advanced Academics include training our district partners and holding student orientations. Our training sessions are held either onsite or via web meetings. During training we explain our partners’ program goals and the proctor responsibilities and provide hands-on training in the utilization of our ROADS 2.0 platform. The program goals differ with each partner and range from drop out recovery to Advanced Placement. The beauty is that our ROADS 2.0 program works wherever needed and is easy to manage for the students and administrators. Our proctors are responsible for managing the program at their site with enrollment and reporting tools just clicks away. It is an enjoyable and captivating experience to learn how our different partners manage their programs to meet the needs of their students.

Although I would say the best part of my job is being onsite with the students for our student orientations. Throughout orientations the students are educated as to the program goals and their responsibilities along with hands-on training on using the Classroom in the ROADS 2.0 platform. Also, students are equipped with best practices to be successful, which include taking advantage of the flexibility of the web-based course anywhere anytime, the tools in the platform available to help understand the concepts of the curriculum, and the access to a teacher via Instant Help or ClassMail whenever they have questions. For me, my favorite moment is when the students realize the benefits and choose to use the program to magnify their full potential.

Posted By:
Amber Dunn
Operations Coordinator
Advanced Academics, Inc.

1 comment:

Nolly Shuor said...


I like your blog.
